The Fisho

Fisho @ BP Karnup, Floopers Garage
2263 Mandurah Rd, Karnup, WA 6176
Opening hours: 7 Days a Week, from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Fisho @ Gilberts & Sons Fresh Market
13-15 Rouse Rd, Greenfields, WA 6210
Opening hours: 7 Days a Week, from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Also located at Farmers Markets throughout the Perth area – contact us for more details.
Michael & Lydia 0405 036 673 or 0408 314 114

The Fisho is a locally owned business that has a passion to provide its customers with exceptional service and the highest quality seafood.
The vast knowledge of seafood you find at the Fisho matches the large range we provide, however, if there is something that you want that is not on the normal menu we will endeavour to source that product for you. The everyday menu includes Fresh Western Australian fillets (different day to day depending on the catch), Mandurah crabs which are alive and nipping when they arrive, to the famous South Australian oysters. We also have a large range of five star fish fillets, fish cutlets, whole cleaned fish, a massive range of Shark Bay & Exmouth prawns, scallops, crayfish, bugs, crabs, crocodile, octopus and squid, and a whole lot more.



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