honey wine

OPENING HOURS: THE YARD Friday, Saturday & Sunday 8am to 6pm THE HALL Friday, Saturday & Sunday 9am to 6pm South Terrace &, Henderson St, Fremantle, WA 6160
Chi Chi Fruit & Veg Shop# Y117 Phone: 0425 418 775 Email: Mc259766au@hotmail.com We take delight in offering top quality produce to all our customers as well as best service. We also take orders for your kitchen and restaurant. Supplying you with the best of produce is our first priority. We believe in aiming for the highest level possible for quality produce, efficient service and competitve prices. Dong Khoa Shop# Y112 & Y113 Phone: 0422 586 445 Email: loild4@yahoo.com.au Brother to Chi Chi, Loi and his team create a picture perfect display of local fruit and veg for you evey weekend. Freo Honey Shack Shop# Y106 Phone: 0408 935 347 Email: ridlebee@upnaway.com We sell 100% West Australian honeys including the famous Karri tree honey from the giant karri forests of the deep south and the tasty Jarrah tree honey with its recently discovered healing benefits. Our specialty is soft churned honey – spread on hot buttered toast – just the thing to kickstart your day! Raw honeys retain the highest nutritional value. Items Available: Raw Honey, Bee Pollen, Fresh Honey on the comb, Beeswax, Royal Jelly, Propolis, Churned honey, many varieties of local honey are always available. You can taste before you buy to make sure you like it! New! – Burt’s Bees range of products Ho’s Fruit & Veg Shop# Y115 Phone: 0430210033 Lee Farmer Shop# Y120 Phone: 0438079832 Email: lee.abc@hotmail.com Fresh fruit & vegetables as well as a wide variety of fresh flowers. Step inside the Fremantle Markets and enjoy the distinctive atmosphere of over a hundred years of vibrant culture and heritage. Listen carefully and you just might hear the horse and carts of yesteryear, arriving at the markets full to the brim of fresh fruit and vegetables. Now boasting over 150 stalls, each as unique as the next, the Fremantle Markets are a must-see for locals and tourists alike.



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